Mental Health Supporter

Training to become
"Mental Health Supporters"

Coach or trainer in the field
"Mental Health"

This in-depth training with the main topic of "mental health" provides, over a total of four days, extensive information on the most important topics relating to the current subject of "mental health".

This is interesting for employers who want to train existing employees from their company, but also for coaches, trainers, consultants and therapists who want to supplement their portfolio with this training or build their own existence.

Online training "Mental Health"

The topic of "mental health" is more relevant than ever and competent support is increasingly in demand both in companies and among private individuals.

In this in-depth online training, you will receive important theoretical foundations and practical exercises on the topics of cognitive performance, mental disorders, stress management, resilience training and much more.

Contents of the training

This training covers all important topics related to mental health, such as increasing cognitive performance, dealing with stress and challenges in a healthy way, burnout prevention, promoting resilience, resource management, as well as an overview of the most important mental disorders and training in important future soft skills.

Training objectives

The aim of the training is to be able to independently offer programs for individuals or groups or teams to promote mental health.

The "Mental Health Supporters"After this training, you will be able to offer keynote speeches, seminars or individual coaching sessions in companies for employees or in a private context.

He is able to support people in the area of mental health, to accompany stressed people in an appreciative and supportive manner, to provide rapid help in acute cases and to initiate appropriate follow-up measures in an emergency.

Inhalte der Ausbildung zum

Course of training

The training to become a "Mental Health Supporters" is currently published twice a year as Online training via Zoom This allows you to learn flexibly from home without additional costs for travel and accommodation.

If there is a minimum number of participants, we can also offer the training at our academy or at your company as

On-site training


Contents of the training

During the training, the most important topics relating to mental health are covered theoretically and practically:

# Mental Health Basics

# Overview and structure of mental disorders

# Burnout prevention

# Coping with stress

# Resilience promotion

# Resource management

In addition, we will deal with topics on a meta-level such as basic neurobiological needs, basic human emotions, training of future soft skills, active listening, task clarification, the importance of appreciation and value systems.
Each participant receives a high-quality participant certificate, worksheets, postcards with practical micro-inputs and other exciting content by post.

The presentations and exercises for integration into everyday life are provided in digital form (PDF, Word).

TERM 2024

The training lasts a total of 4 days and takes place on two weekends, Saturdays and Sundays.

Opening hours: Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The costs amount to €990 net (€1,178.10 gross) and are due by one week before the start of the training so that we can send the packages with the work documents in time.

Online training spring 2024:

Saturday 13.04. and Sunday 14.04. plus
Saturday 20.04 and Sunday 21.04.

Online training fall 2024:

Saturday 9th November and Sunday 10th November plus
Saturday 23.11. and Sunday 24.11.

Bettina Tittel, Ausbilderin für

Your trainer

Your trainer Bettina Tittel – founder and director of the Academy for Mental Health – has been studying how people "function" for over 20 years, and for over 10 years she has specialized in many topics related to mental health, such as stress management, burnout prevention and resilience training.

In addition, she has completed training as a "natural health practitioner for psychotherapy" (unfortunately the only way in Germany to obtain an official therapy license through second-chance education) in order to be able to more clearly define when someone is "still healthy or already ill".

Already during her first studies in communication and her first self-employment, she dealt with the needs and emotions that motivate people to do or buy things, or not, in the context of advertising psychology.
During this time, she has already worked for many years as a trainer for media designers and as a trainer for software solutions for various further education institutes and has thus gained many years of experience in the conception and implementation of education and training courses.

Through her varied work, she has already become familiar with many different industries and is therefore well-versed in the individual challenges and crises.

Simply fill out the required form fields on the right –
With this registration we reserve one place – or in the case of companies, several places – for you.
You will receive an invoice from us approximately 6 weeks before the start of the training and after Payment no later than one week before the start of training our working documents by post and access to our Zoom meeting.

We look forward to seeing you!

Your message to us

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