Different industries and activities have specific challenges and dynamics and therefore require individual approaches. In the first step, we have dedicated ourselves to the area of nursing staff due to a specific request; other industries will follow.
We have been a certified provider for nursing staff since 2022 and are allowed to award continuing education points through the "Registration Office for Professional Nursing Staff".
As part of our focus on mental health, we have designed compact short seminars that offer a quick introduction to the topic and can be easily integrated into everyday working life.
Deadline pressure, work intensification, conflicts – stress is now omnipresent. Some professional groups, such as nursing, are particularly affected due to their working conditions.
In this seminar we would like to work out together what stress is actually good for, when stress makes you sick and what happens in the body, especially in the brain, when you are stressed.
You will receive an overview of the levels of stress management, a worksheet for your
individual stressors and possible solutions to better deal with stress.
In the statistics of the most common illnesses, mental disorders now rank second, and the number of sick days due to mental stress is also reaching worrying levels. Nursing staff are considered to be particularly at risk.
In this seminar with theoretical and practical content, you will learn what exactly burnout is, how to recognize the first warning signs in yourself and others, how to prevent burnout and which emergency measures can help.
Resilience is also referred to as “psychological resilience”, i.e. the ability to deal with challenges and crises in a powerful way.
Central components of this resilience seminar are the collaborative development of personal protective factors and the
Practical training in the so-called “7 pillars of resilience”, so that you can master your life in the future with more calm, flexibility and mental strength.